Do you want to throw the best 4th of July party ever? Look no further. Since most of the corporate world is taking a vacation over Independence Day, we are taking this opportunity to get a little personal with our post. We’re sharing some of our DIY inspiration combined with our big business principles to offer you these 5 tips on how to throw the most memorable patriotic bash…right at home. ‘Merica!
This might seem like a no-brainer; everyone knows to use red, white and blue for a 4th of July party. Using the obvious hues of the flag will make any event patriotic. But, why not push the limit a little and include some other shades? After all, America is bold! Selecting colors that aren’t super common will give your party variety and interest. It will also allow you to include elements in your party design that aren’t on the summer seasonal aisle, making your affair unique.
We grabbed this classic picture of Old Glory and sampled a few colors that would work well together. Feel free to use it for your party! These colors can be used in all of the applications we describe in this post!
If you’re thinking watermelon, hot dogs, blueberry cakes and popsicles then your party is going to be just like your neighbors. And, we like Karen but is she as cool as you? Probably not.
Just like Karen, we enjoy fruit and frozen treats. But this is 4th of July and you want to liberate your guests! We suggest doing that with Bourbon Soaked Cherries over Vanilla Bean Ice Cream. This recipe from How Sweet Eats calls for frozen yogurt and you can also vary your liquor choice with vodka or rum. You can turn these into mini, individual serving treats by offering them in a shot glass, garnished with blueberry flavored candy sticks. A couple of these and you’ll certainly be celebrating your freedom!

Fireworks? Check. Sparklers? Check. But skip the red, white and blue string lights and opt for classic alternatives. Everyone loves Mason jars and twinkle lights, so why not put them together? We found these incredibly creative ways to light your party from the Garden Lovers Club. You can glaze the jars to add some color, hang in groups, use as citronella lamps or even provide wayfinding with solar-powered stakes. We are confident these light choices will totally turn your guests on.
The best events give you a 360-degree experience. The ceiling is often an underused space and has huge potential in wowing your guests. Even if there is no 5th wall, you can create your own by getting creative with unique overhead treatments.
We are absolutely in love with this crepe ribbon canopy from Style Me Pretty. And, bonus! It’s using our color scheme. This whimsical flag treatment lends a blended cultural vibe while still staying true to our Star Spangled Banner. We suggest increasing durability and help weather-proof this idea by using colored gauze, or other similar, moisture-friendly fabric. The key is to keep it light so there is motion with the breeze. It should also be easy to install and not weigh your support structure down. Combine this canopy with your lighting options, and guests will completely look up to your party skills.
The fireworks are the show-stopper for 4th of July! Celebrating our nations birthday with a terrific light show of sparklers and twirlers rounds out any liberty affair. When selecting your fireworks, be sure to choose items with low smoke output. The last thing you want your guests to remember is the smoke bombs you accidentally set-off.
Before the grand finale, however, there are other ways to keep your party on theme with forms of subtle entertainment. Chances are you don’t know a 5-piece brass band. Because of this, we suggest strategically placing speakers in the common areas of your party. Pipe in classic brass jazz tunes or classic American songs like the ones listed in this playlist from Harper’s Bazaar.
You don’t need a fancy venue with a corporate budget to throw the best 4th of July party ever. Simply heat up your Independence Day soiree with these tips and inspirational ideas. We can assure you, you’ll be the envy of all the Karens.
Happy Birthday, America!
Be sure to check our event portfolio for other expert ideas, or contact us today to assist you in all your event production needs.