Trade Show Marketing with Central Florida Hotel and Lodging Association (CFHLA)
Trade Shows are a great way to network and market your business. In a primarily digital world, the conference and trade show model allows companies to make physical connections and shake hands with potential clients, forge partnership’s and showcase your business.
Usually held in convention centers or hotel ballrooms, the typical trade show backdrop consists of a 10×10 black pipe and drape, a 6’ table and a couple of chairs. Business’ often stick with the venue provided accessories and overlook this prime opportunity to creatively display their products or service.
Set Yourself Apart at Trade Shows
At Sublime, we help our clients maximize spaces to create immersive experiences, regardless of the size or type of event. Recently, however, we were on the vendor side of the trade show experience. We used this opportunity to show business’ how they can differentiate themselves and standout in a sea of convention booths.
In August, we attended the Hospitality Expo and Trade show (HEAT) hosted by the Central Florida Hospitality and Lodging Association (CFHLA). The HEAT provides Allied Members an avenue to meet and present their products and services to the Central Florida Lodging Decision Makers. As the super bowl of hospitality trade shows, this event is one we don’t miss.
Making a Theme Unique
This year’s theme was Game On. Most of the exhibitors elected to choose obvious themes like board games, sports, referees, foam fingers, and the like. At Sublime, our expertise is finding the unique qualities of a theme in effort to stand out and create a memorable experience.
We do this by connecting the senses. Research shows we have three levels of memory: sensory, short-term, and long-term. All begin with what we experience. Research also shows that people remember 35% of what they smell and only 5% of what they see. When you incorporate the other senses, memories are hard-wired. If you strategically approach your event with this knowledge, you can easily create a memorable experience for you guests/attendees.
Our Sweet Treat Concession Stand turned our booth into an immersive sensory experience. We ditched the pipe and drape and wrapped truss in satin fabrics. We created a delicious canopy of colored flags, jars of candy, and bags of popcorn inviting guests to see, smell, and taste. Our lighted bar tops engaged passersby with floods of color. Our backdrop adorned our logo in donuts as well as wrapped our TV displays. On top of our bars, attendees could pick up bags of candy while they chatted with our team. This 5-sense booth created an immersive experience in just 100 square feet.
We want to help create that experience at your next event. Whether it’s a trade show or a full-scale corporate event, immersive functions are what we do best. Contact us today to enhance your next event.